SPF Seminars
Security, Privacy and Forensics (SPF) seminars are weekly seminars arranged for students with security-focused research. Generally, CIISE professors and thesis students in security present/participate in these seminars. But we welcome anyone with interest in topics related to security, privacy and forensics---from any department in Concordia or outside, thesis students or otherwise. Students can present their work-in-progress projects for lively discussion. We expect participants to attend all sessions, present at least once in every semester, and give positive feedback to fellow students. If you are interested to join, please send an email to m.mannan (at) concordia.ca or j.clark (at) concordia.ca.
We meet in-person or virtually 11:00 on every Thursday.
Talk Guidelines
As a reminder, your talks should fall into one of three categories: (1) Practice Talk, (2) Research Update, or (3) Other Research.
A Practice Talk is a talk that you will present at a conference. It should be in the same format as the talk itself. You can use as many slides as you have time for.
A Research Update is a talk that provides us with your latest progress on your research. As our audience has a variety of backgrounds and may not have attended or remember your previous talks, please provide adequate background information on what you are studying. Also try to focus in one aspect of your research. Talks should be about 20 minutes with 10 minutes of questions. If you use slides, limit the number of slides with content to 10, at least 3 of which should provide background information on what you are studying and 1 slide should clearly state what problem it is that your research is trying to solve.
A Other Research talk is used when you do not have a practice talk or a research update. In this case, tell us an interesting research contribution you have read about. As with a reserach update, provide background information and do not try to explain too much. The same rules about number of slides apply.